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Home Games Different Striking Styles In Carrom Board Game That Novice Player Should Know

Different Striking Styles In Carrom Board Game That Novice Player Should Know

Carrom is known to be a very popular and exciting board game to play. During the ongoing pandemic, the players have gone back to their old days of playing the classic board games. Similarly, online games have become a great source of entertainment during this lockdown. Because of this, the popularity of these board games is on the rise currently. Online carrom is one such game that has taken over India and there are a number of reasons why. Apart from the fact that plates can win real prizes by applying their skills, the game itself has qualities to elevate mood and improve concentration. Rummy Bo’s online carrom game will certainly manage to keep you out of boredom without any doubt. It not only fulfils the entertainment criteria of the game but also gives you chances to win exciting rewards. 

But a number of people also like playing the game live with their friends and family members. For striking, the players are required to use a specific striking style meant for the kind of carrom game they’re playing. To help them out, we have managed to gather a lot of information about various striking styles in carrom and brought it right to you. There are a lot of styles that the players have invented but we have picked the top 5 most known styles right here. So without any delay, let’s take a deep dive into some popular striking styles in carrom.

Thumb and Middle Finger Striking Style

This is one of the most classic and common striking styles. To perform this style, the player needs to hold the middle finger backwards with the thumb. Release the middle finger after some pressure has been generated. Releasing the middle finger will release the striker with force and hit the carrom men to push it into the pot. A number of angles are required to be formed by the players by changing the direction of the hand according to the position of the carrom men. 

Vertical Long Finger Striking Style

To use the vertical long finger striking style, you will need to keep the palm edge of your hand in a vertical direction. It should not rest on the carrom board. The middle finger should be exactly in the perpendicular direction to the board. Usually, players opt for this type of striking when there is no space around the baseline because of carrom men surrounding the striker. This type of striking is used in such tight situations and helps the players a lot. 

Index Finger Striking Style

Place the index finger at the edge of the striker and place your palm on the board. Use your thumb to generate the pressure on the index finger. Release the index finger to push the striker forward to hit the carrom men. All you need to do is change the direction of your hand according to the position of the board. This is also a popular technique used to generate a powerful shot.

Scissors Striking Style

To master this striking style, you need to have an extremely still hand on the board. Then put the edge of the middle finger behind the striker and use the index finger to overlap the middle finger. Create pressure by pushing the middle-finger backward and release the middle finger. It also requires the index finger to go-ahead order to shoot the striker. This type of striking style is very common and also accurate to use.

Middle Finger Striking Style

Place the middle finger at the edge of the striker and place your palm on the board. Use your thumb to generate the pressure on the middle finger. Release the middle finger to push the striker forward to hit the carrom men. All you need to do is change the direction of your hand according to the position of the board. This is also a popular technique used to generate a powerful shot. The key to learning any of these shorts is to practice them. The more you play the better your striking position will get. 


Though online carrom does not require you to master the striking techniques, it is a good thing to learn more about it. You never know when you might get an opportunity to try out your hands at Carrom in real life. Till then, keep trying your skills at Rummy Bo’s Online Carrom game in order to win exciting prizes and real money. You can also try out other games that have been created by the Rummy Bo app that also have tournaments and battles to compete against real players.


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