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Home Games Ludo Online Game - Top Reasons for 90s Kids to Love It!

Ludo Online Game – Top Reasons for 90s Kids to Love It!

The Ludo board game is loved by people for its simplicity, especially by the 90s generation. Read further ahead to find out why this ludo game has grown in popularity after going online as well.

Ludo is inspired by an old Indian game known as Pachisi, but it is a lot simpler. In Latin, the word ‘Ludo’ translates to ‘I Play’. It is a multiplayer board game where 2-4 people can play together. The game looks quite simple but a lot of thought goes into it – players often strategize and re-strategize their moves because the course of this game changes quickly. The gameplay is easy to grasp and after a few games you understand the concept, then one can play without any guidance. It is also popular in other countries with variations and different names.

Since Ludo emerged from an Indian game, it has been played here for centuries and it went through many changes. In recent times, this game has been revolutionized through technology. So you can play ludo online and still feel the thrill of the traditional board game. Amongst all the people, the demographic that enjoyed Ludo most was the generation born in the 90s. So here are a few reasons behind 90s kids’ love for Ludo.


Ludo is a part of most 90s kids’ childhood. It was played before technology took over our lives. Whenever they play Ludo they are reminded of their childhood. Most of them are in their early or late 30s so this is a great way to refresh their memories. Now that ludo has become an online board game, the nostalgia of their childhood can be felt in just a few clicks.

Easy Gameplay

Many people believe that ludo is the best board game because it is pretty simple to play. There are only a few sets of rules you need to follow and the rest just falls into place. Out of all the board games, ludo is the easiest one to grasp. You will know the drill after playing twice or thrice.

Multiplayer Game

Ludo is a game that strengthens social ties. People can bond with each other when they play ludo because there are so many ups and downs in the game that an authentic part of your personality is revealed. As an online game, you can either play with people you already know or random people.

Works On Any Phone

Games that are released these days require a high-end phone to run smoothly. This is one major drawback because not everyone wants to invest too much money on a phone or they simply cannot afford it. So people with mid to low range smartphones can also play ludo efficiently.


The movement of pieces depends on the number that a player gets on dice, so it cannot be controlled by anyone. As a result, there are a lot of ups and downs in the game. A player can go from winning to running last in the game. This unpredictable element makes the game interesting.

Conversations Become Fun

If you observe people while playing ludo, you’ll see how they blame each other and laugh it off within a matter of seconds. They are bickering at one moment and laughing at the next. If you play ludo online, you can connect through in-app chat features while you play to make the experience more lively.


Ludo is entertaining to play because of the ups and downs, reactions of people and the emotional roller coaster you feel while playing. These are very rare in a game. Usually, games are more competitive and intense but ludo is light-hearted and enjoyable for people of all age groups. You might have small and funny arguments during the game but they never persist after that.

Final Thoughts

Now we know why Ludo is such a beloved board game for the kids born in the 90s. This proves that a game doesn’t have to be complex with high-end graphics and difficult gameplay to be popular amongst the masses. People who play ludo online are hooked to the game because it is extremely fun. We know there are enough reasons to play online Ludo game, it has been a public favourite for a long time, especially for the 90s kids who can relive their childhood once again by playing on the Rummy Bo app. Enjoy a ludo game online with your loved ones and have a good time amidst this lockdown. 


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