Rummy Bo Games
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What is Pool Rummy?

Pool Rummy is a variant of the famous Indian Rummy that is played on a 2-player table or a 6-player table between 2 to 6 players. The gameplay is quite similar to other variants but has some key distinctions in the rules and calculation of winnings.

Pool Rummy is a card game where players try to keep their points below a certain limit, like 101 or 201. The game continues until a player reaches the limit or gets eliminated. Players aim to minimize points by forming sets and sequences with their cards.

Looking forward to a thrilling experience of pool rummy online? Download the Rummy Bo app to play the pool rummy cash game and win!

Types of Pool Rummy Games

There are three types of rummy pool games in Indian Rummy on Rummy Bo:

  1. 61 Pool Rummy
    In 61 Pool Rummy, the main aim is to keep the score under 61. Players calculate the score for unmelded cards when each round is over. The game continues until the player's score exceeds 61, and then the player gets eliminated.
  2. 101 Pool Rummy:
    In 101 Pool Rummy, the objective is to keep your points below 101. Players accumulate points for unmelded cards at the end of each round. The game continues until a player's score exceeds 101, and that player gets eliminated.
  3. 201 Pool Rummy:
    Like 101 Pool Rummy, the maximum limit is 201 points on 201 pool. Players strive to keep their scores below this limit to stay in the game.

Each variant adds a unique twist to the Pool Rummy game, providing players with diverse options and challenges.

Pool Rummy Rules

Most Pool Rummy rules are simple to follow and quite similar to Points Rummy. Knowing and remembering these rules of rummy are vital if you wish to outsmart your opponents and have a better chance at winning. This is a helpful list you need to know before you play the game online.

  • Pool rummy online has two types of tables: 2-player and 6-player tables.
  • Each game begins with a toss that determines which player will play first.
  • Before each game starts, a Joker card has to be selected randomly from the deck.
  • Each player shall be dealt a hand of 13 cards.
  • The prize pool money is created by putting the entry fees from all the players together.
  • According to pool rummy rules, elimination from the game is done when a player’s total points reach the points limit. In the case of 101 Pool Rummy, the limit is 101 points, and in the case of 201 Pool, the maximum points limit is 201 points.
  • One deck is used for 2-player tables, and two decks are used on 6-player tables.

How to Play Pool Rummy Game?

Pool rummy online can be played between 2 and 6 players. The game is played for a fixed sum of winnings, created by pooling the players’ entry fees together to create a prize pool. Here's how to play pool rummy game online:

1. Dealing


Each player receives 13 cards at the start. The stack of remaining cards (Draw Pile) is placed face-down at the centre of the table. A random card is picked up and placed face-up underneath the Draw Pile. This card is the wild card joker for the rest of the deal. The player at the right of the dealer starts the game.

2. Forming Card Combinations

Card Combination

After each player gets 13 cards, they can make their preferred combinations. A valid declaration requires the player to have at least two Sequences, one Pure and the other Pure/Impure. Your primary objective should be to form at least one pure sequence and meld the remaining cards into pure/impure sequences and sets.

3. Making a declaration

Declaration in Rummy

When a player has made at least two sequences, and other sets or sequences, they can make a valid declaration. The player can click the ‘Declare’ button to declare. Upon declaring, their combinations are reviewed. If the player has made an invalid declaration, 80 points are added to their score, pushing them closer to elimination from the table. If they have made a valid declaration, the points value of their opponent’s unmatched cards is calculated. The winner of the deal gets the best possible score of 0 points.

Essentially, 201 and 101 Pool Rummy games are pretty similar, with the difference in the number of points. Both figures represent the score at which a player can get eliminated from the table. In 101 Pool, a player gets eliminated if they reach 101 points. Similarly, in 201 Pool, a player is eliminated when they get to the score of 201 points.

Since the objective of the Pool Rummy variant and most types of rummy games is to have the lowest possible score to win, having an upper limit for points is a means to progress the game. This way, players are eliminated until there is only one winner left.

How is Score Calculated in Pool Rummy?

The score calculation in a game of Pool Rummy is fairly simple and easy to understand. The winner who makes a valid declaration gets 0 points, the best possible score. If the winner earns a valid declaration but has some unmatched cards, then the value of the unmatched cards is deducted from the total of their opponents’ points. The other losing players get a score assigned to them based on the value of all their unmatched cards. The value of each card in a game of online Pool Rummy is as follows:

After the scores of all the players are calculated at the end of the game, their winnings are computed with the following formula:

(Entry Fee x Number of Players) = Total Winnings.

The player who manages to push their opponents to score beyond 61, 101 or 201 points (based on the variant) will ultimately be the winner.

Calculating the Losing Players’ Score:

If a player forms two sequences (one pure and one impure), only the points of the ungrouped cards are added. A player who makes an invalid declaration is penalized with 80 points. Also, if a player declares without any sequence, all the cards’ points are added. Further, if a player misses three turns consecutively, they are automatically dropped from the game, considered a middle drop for points calculation.

Depending on the pool rummy type, the player that reaches a maximum score of 61 points, 101 points or 201 points gets eliminated from the table.

Pool Rummy Tips

Here are some easy ways to gain an advantage over your opponents in an online Pool Rummy game. You can use these rummy tips and tricks at your discretion, and they can be of great help when applied correctly.

Prioritise a Pure Sequence

The first and most essential tip to win in a game of pool rummy is to ensure you prioritise a pure sequence. Without it, you cannot make a valid declaration, and making this sequence first eases the rest of your game.

Keep Track of the Opponent's Cards

Keep track of the cards your opponents are discarding. This is immensely beneficial to predict and counter their strategy. It is one of the most essential skills a Pool Rummy player can develop through experience.

Make Bigger Sets and Sequences

You can make sequences and sets of more than three cards. One of the most common Pool Rummy mistakes is people forgetting they can make bigger sequences and sets to reduce the number of unmatched cards in their hand.

Get Rid of High-Value Cards

Another important Pool Rummy tip is getting rid of high-value cards as soon as possible. If they remain unmatched when you have to make a declaration, they can drive your points total up. So, you should either use them to make the sequences and sets or let them go if they aren’t helpful. Having cards with low value helps avoid this mishap.

How Does The Drop Option Work?

Drop Option in rummy

The word Drop means to either wilfully withdraw from the deal or miss your turn to play. Players often withdraw from the deal upon determining they do not wish to continue with the hand they were dealt. In such a situation, they can choose to Drop out by clicking the Drop button on the screen. This variant has two kinds of drops, unlike other Indian Rummy games with three.

The drop score is different for both pool rummy formats. The 101 Pool Rummy game allows players to choose a First Drop with a 20-point drop score and a Mid Drop with a 40-point drop score. In 201 Pool Rummy, First Drop leads to 25 points, and Middle Drop leads to 50 points. The First Drop means a player can withdraw from the game without picking a single card. After picking up your first card, choosing to drop any time will result in a Mid Drop.

101 Pool Rummy

Drop TypePoints Deducted
First Drop20
Middle Drop40


201 Pool Rummy

Drop TypePoints Deducted
First Drop25
Middle Drop50


61 Pool Rummy

Drop TypePoints Deducted
First Drop20
Middle Drop40



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