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Home Games casual games How Many Coins in Carrom Board?

How Many Coins in Carrom Board?

Introduction to Carrom Game

To be frank, carrom is a game that needs no introduction. It has its origins in 20th-century India. The board game is now among the most popular in the Indian subcontinent and known by different names in different languages. It is commonly played by friends and families, including kids, apart from other social gatherings. The game follows different rules and standard based on where you play it. Something that interests every player is this question – “how many coins in carrom board?”

Carrom is undoubtedly one of the best ways to spend time at home. To begin with, it involves 2-4 players (a common number in family households) and is played on the board (known as the carrom board) with a pocket in each of its four corners. Players can take turns accordingly and attempt to pot the coloured carrom men (plus the queen) they’re assigned. Let’s now learn about the various coins you find in carrom before you start playing.

Carrom Set

A standard carrom set comprises 19 pieces (or coins, striker not included) in three distinguished colours: one assigned to each player and another for the queen. The standard colours are white (or unstained) and black for the respective players, and red is assigned to the queen. ICF-approved pieces should have a diameter between 3.02cm and 3.18 cm. The pieces must be between 7 and 9 mm thick. The pieces have a plain, rounded edge. The mass of the pieces must be between 5.0 and 5.5 g.

Also, learning the basic rules of carrom will be beneficial as it gives better insights into playing shots appropriately and winning. Let’s first look at the different coins on the carrom board as well as understand the rules of play.

Carrom men

how many coins in carrom board
Coins in carrom

The game of Carrom is played using small wooden or plastic disks called carrom men (at times abbreviated CM, c/m, c.m. etc.). Apart from the special queen, these black or white pieces are also known as pucks, coins, seeds, or pawns (as in chess). Carrom men are designed to navigate across the board when struck and possess smoothened surfaces that enable easing sliding when laid out flat on the board.

One strikes the carrom men with the help of a Striker (of a standard specification), which is typically heavier and larger. Carrom follows the pattern of other “strike & pocket” games, such as pool, with aspects like angling, rebounding, and obstructing (opponent’s carrom men) playing significant roles. The idea is to pot the carrom men of the assigned colour, leaving one aside for the queen.


Striker pieces are used to sink the queen and the carrom men across the board into the pockets. The carrom striker usually weighs 15 gms in size and with 4.1 cm in diameter.

Additional Read: How to Improve Striker Aim

The Queen

The red disk (or coin) is known as the queen and is the most precious piece in the game. When you set up the board, it is positioned at the centre of the circle. According to ICF rules, pocketing the queen fetches 3 points to the player’s total score. The queen’s dimensions are also the same as that of other carrom men.

A few rules that apply to the queen include:

  • The player needs to pocket the queen and pocket a carrom coin subsequently of their own colour. This is known as covering the queen. In case, by mistake, a player pots a carrom man of the opponent’s team in the pocket once they pocket the queen, then the queen is moved back to the centre of the board again.
  • If a player pocket’s the opponent’s final carrom man prior to pocketing the queen, then it is counted as a foul.
  • If a player pots the queen and a carrom man of their own colour in the pocket with a single strike, then the queen is covered automatically, and it does not matter which coin went in first.

Also, read Carrom Queen Rules & Importance in detail.

Carrom Playing Rules Summed Up

  • Each player or team is assigned one colour and are allowed to pocket carrom men of that colour only.
  • Pocketing the queen has to be followed up by pocketing another carrom man on the same strike.
  • You can pocket the queen only if you pocket a carrom man on follow-up, and if it is the last carrom man to pocket, you win.
  • Once you cover the queen, you win by clearing all your remaining carrom men on the board.
  • You can cover the queen and the cover in the same strike, regardless of their chronology of pocket entry.
  • A game usually comprises 25 points.
  • The winner of a board gets one point for each of their opponent’s carrom men left at the end and 3 points for the queen if covered by the winner. Once the points level reaches 21, no further points are collected for the queen.
  • When you place the strike on the board to shoot, it should touch both baselines, covering either the end circle totally or not touching it at all. The strike shouldn’t also touch the diagonal arrows.
  • Shooting styles can differ between players, but every shot must involve a flick of the striker and not a push.
  • The new rule allows a player to hit carrom men that are behind their baseline, unlike earlier. However, you cannot hit a carrom man that is touching the baseline.
  • Sinking the striker causes a penalty of loss of turn and a single piece. If you pocket a piece in the same shot as sinking the striker, that piece is also moved back to the centre circle of the board.
  • When a queen and a carrom man are sunk on the same shot, the queen is considered covered regardless of the order in which the pieces went inside the pocket.
  • If a piece bounces off the board, it is placed back on the centre spot. If pieces overlap each other or land on end, they are left in the same manner.
  • If the centre position is covered partially while replacing the queen or a jumped piece, the piece must cover as much red as possible. If completely covered, the piece is positioned opposite the next player, right behind the red spot.
  • The strike can touch any coin. However, a penalty is imposed if you touch your last piece directly before the queen.
  • You lose a turn if you sink any of the opponent’s pieces. In some cases, points are deducted if you pot an opponent piece. So, place your shots carefully.
  • If you sink your final piece before the queen, you lose the board, 3 points, and an extra point each for the remaining opponent pieces.
  • If the striker doesn’t leave both lines, you can give it another try. After three tries without departure, you lose your turn.

Useful Read: Types of Carrom Board

Play Carrom Now

So, if you are preparing yourself to play carrom on the go, get your carrom board along with the carrom coins ready. You can purchase them online or directly from a store. However, playing online on a gaming platform like Rummy Bo has its own benefits. Firstly, it gives you the freedom of not having to buy the board or the other accessories to start playing. Secondly, you can play for free or for cash in any of the available battles or tournaments. The winning amount can be instantly withdrawn to your bank account, making the experience even better.

Arun George
A gaming writer who doubles as a food, film, and music guide, Arun spent a good part of his life pursuing Business Management courses that no longer make sense to him. He worked in Dubai as an Accountant for 3.5 years before returning to the city he keeps referring to as his 'second home' - Bangalore. At present, he enjoys playing casual games and writing about them.


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